Frequently Asked Questions

Data Collection and Definitions

Our database is dynamic and continually evolving. New companies are added and we regularly update existing company records on a daily basis. Typically, individual locations and records undergo a thorough review every eighteen months, unless specific events such as mergers, acquisitions, or other significant changes prompt the need for more immediate updates. We take pride in our commitment to providing the latest and most accurate information to our customers. As such, all newly added data and updates are made available to our customers within 24 hours, ensuring access to the most current and reliable information at your fingertips.

Data accuracy and integrity are paramount in our approach. The parent company’s website stands
as our exclusive source for data. Our dedicated research team meticulously collects information
directly from the parent company’s official website. This comprehensive process involves
reviewing annual reports, blogs, press releases, and all publicly accessible pages to ensure the
data’s accuracy. It’s important to note that we do not engage in data aggregation or web scraping
from external sources. To further enhance our data quality, we maintain open channels of
communication. We rely on telephone, email, and chat features for verification and clarification
when the parent company website is not sufficient, ensuring that our data is as precise and up-to-
date as possible.

Our inclusion criteria for companies in Uniworld Online are as follows:

  1. The company must be multinational with a parent company headquartered in one country and
    at least one subsidiary located in another country.
  2. The company must provide the full address for the parent HQ and at least one foreign
  3. The company must maintain an active website.
  4. Detailed information about management and ownership must also be available.
    Once these criteria are met, our research team proceeds to review the parent company’s website
    to collect and verify the data for inclusion in our database or update.

We do not include companies that operate exclusively within one country or those that do not
provide detailed address locations for the parent company or subsidiaries. This policy helps
ensure the multinational and data-rich nature of the companies listed in Uniworld Online,
providing our users with the most relevant and comprehensive information.

A subsidiary that is situated within the same country where the parent company is headquartered
is referred to as a domestic subsidiary. For instance, if the parent company is based in the UK
and has a subsidiary also located in the UK, this subsidiary is considered a domestic subsidiary,
as it operates within the same country as the parent company’s headquarters.

A subsidiary that is situated outside the country where the parent company is headquartered is
referred to as a foreign subsidiary. For instance, if the parent company is based in the UK and
has a subsidiary located in China, the subsidiary in China is considered a foreign subsidiary, as it
operates in a different country from the parent company’s headquarters.

All parent company revenue is presented in US Dollars. For companies reporting revenue in currencies other than the US Dollar, the figures are converted to US Dollars using the prevailing exchange rate on the respective day. Please note that currency exchange rates may vary daily.

How do our customers use the Uniworld Online data?

  • Academic research
  • Air service development
  • Business development
  • Cross-selling existing clients
  • Economic development
  • Employment Career services
  • Mapping/geolocating
  • Merger & Acquisitions research
  • Risk assessment
  • Sourcing
  • Tracking competitors


The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) serves as a widely recognized
standard for categorizing business establishments.

It is important to note that NAICS codes are primarily assigned to the parent company by our
research team, except in cases where the parent company defines otherwise on their official
website. Subsidiaries, on the other hand, are not assigned their own NAICS codes.

In our reports, NAICS codes are not presented in any specific order. This is because some
companies engage in multiple industries, resulting in a variety of NAICS codes. It’s essential to
understand that the first NAICS code listed in a report does not necessarily indicate the parent
company’s primary or largest business industry.

What industries purchase data from Uniworld Online?

  • Accounting
  • Air Service Development
  • Banking and Finance
  • Career Development
  • Commerce Agencies
  • Defense Contractors
  • Economic Development
  • Financial Technology
  • Foreign Exchange
  • Freight Forwarders
  • Global Accounting
  • Government Agencies
  • Governmental Libraries
  • Human Resources
  • Insurance
  • Legal
  • Marketing and Public Relations
  • Payment Processors
  • Public Libraries
  • Risk Management
  • Telecom
  • Trade Development
  • University libraries, business schools, career departments
  • Weather app

Datasets and Filters

Click on the “New Search” button to reload the page to start a new search.

Absolutely! We do provide longitude and latitude coordinates for parent companies and
subsidiaries with an individual purchased delivered Excel report and as a subscription option.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at for further details and
pricing information.

Since 2016 we regularly release three dataset snapshots yearly in June and December. These
snapshots provide an up-to-date overview of the data in our database. For subscribers, historical
datasets are available, allowing access to past information for reference and analysis. If you’re
interested in purchasing a historical data report or have any related inquiries, please don’t hesitate
to contact us at We’re here to assist you with your specific needs and
provide you with the information you require. You can find more information about historical
data reports by visiting our home page,

To filter results for either Parent Company or Subsidiary within a specific zip code or postal
code, please follow these steps:

  1. Enter the postal or zip code of your choice.
  2. Select the desired mileage radius to refine your search 1-100 miles
  3. Choose the country where you’d like to focus your search.

For a zip/postal code “exact match” select this radius option which will return results for the
exact zip/postal code and not a radius. For example, if you choose France 75000 postal code
exact match, the data will only include those parents or subsidiaries with the postal code of
This approach will help you narrow down your search to find companies or subsidiaries within
the specified geographic area.

All filters can be used simultaneously.

Keyword Search: Search a company name for the parent, subsidiary or “division of”.
Create a family tree by selecting the parent and “division of” boxes.

Keyword Search: Search for any words in a company description. Use this filter for
industries and other descriptive words

Parent Companies Headquartered In: Search single or multiple Countries and add

Companies with Subsidiaries in: Search single or multiple Countries and add

Filter your Results Further: Select public companies, private companies, career page
companies. Or, limit results to only parent companies, domestic subsidiaries or foreign
subsidiaries. The default is to show you all results.

Choose the type[s] of subsidiaries: Affiliate, Branch Office, Consumer Relations,
Country Headquarters, Distribution Center, Head Offices, Headquarters, Joint Venture,
Manufacturing Facility, Production Facility, R & D Center, Regional Headquarters,
Representative Office, Retail Location, Sales Office, Service Center.

Parent Companies headquartered within a zip/postal code: Enter Country, zip/postal
code[s] and radius. You may enter more than one location.

Companies with Subsidiaries within a zip/postal code: Enter Country, zip/postal
code[s] and radius. You may enter more than one location.

Industry Code: Choose single or multiple NAICS codes.

Revenue and Employee numbers: Choose single or multiple.

  • Parent and subsidiary locations addresses
  • Three contacts parent company
  • One or two contacts for subsidiary location*
  • Parent company email
  • Subsidiary company email*
  • Parent company website URL
  • Subsidiary company website URL*
  • Parent company LinkedIn URL
  • Parent company telephone/fax number
  • Subsidiary company telephone/fax number
  • Employee number for the entire company
  • Revenue figure for the entire company
  • Public/Private ownership
  • Year Founded
  • Description of the company
  • Type of Subsidiary

[*Should the parent company website not provide a distinct subsidiary contact/email/website address, a contact/email address/website from the parent company will be used. The subsidiary location address will always be provided.]

Access to Uniworld Online can be achieved through two different methods:
IP Authentication or Referring URL: If you are accessing our platform through IP authentication
or a referring URL, you will need to log in through your university, public library, or
governmental entity’s portal system. You should select the Uniworld Online link within your
institution’s portal to gain access.

Username/Password Login: For users who have been provided with a username and
password, the login button can be found at the top right corner of our homepage. Simply
click the login button to enter your credentials and access Uniworld Online.

These login options are designed to accommodate different types of users and ensure a secure
and convenient experience.

To start your report search on our platform, follow these steps:

  1. Login or set up a user account.
  2. Go to the Search page.
  3. After selecting your search criteria and clicking the “Update Results” button, select the red “Contact Us” option.
  4. Input your name and email address into the Contact Us form. A code for your search will be automatically copied into the form. Add any comments and let us know if you are interested in longitude and latitude coordinates for the locations. Submit the form.

Our dedicated team will then promptly respond to your report request with comprehensive report
pricing information. If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach
out to us directly at 201-384-4900 or via email at We are here to
provide the support and information you need.

To schedule a demo and screen share with Uniworld Online for data review and exploring search opportunities, please use the following link to access our scheduling tool,

Schedule a Demo with Uniworld Online. You can select a time that suits you best, and we’ll be ready to assist you during the meeting. We look forward to discussing your requirements and demonstrating the capabilities of Uniworld Online.

Uniworld Online will take all commercially reasonable steps to ensure that information in Uniworld Online is complete and accurate, but does not guarantee that information is complete and accurate.

© Uniworld Business Publications, Inc., All rights reserved,